The art group WeLoveATL was set to host a photowalk at the old GM Doraville plant last week, and I just barely made it to the website to sign up for one of a few remaining spots to get into the tour. Now I readily admit that for a local that enjoys a bit of UrbEx now and then, I have NEVER been to this LAND of forgotten assembly lines and robots, so to be able to see any part of it before it is completely demolished was certainly on my bucket list. Unfortunately there was little time to stop and actually explore the remaining buildings, and we mostly filed on and off a bus as we visited the piles of rubble neatly arranged into specific groups: scrap iron, rebar, sheet metal, aluminum, pipes, wiring, ducts, machinery, concrete, etc. Though that alone was a veritable goldmine of photographic opportunity and art with items such as the rebar being twisted and mangled into what looked like spaghetti–a rare feat that only heavy machinery could achieve. Eventually this location will become part of the new “Third Rail Studios” a mixed-use development that will include living and retail space, along with an actual soundstage for film productions.